Tagged: student-worker coalition

Reanimating Histories of Struggle as Weapons against Neoliberal Individualization – An Interview with Don Kingsbury



Reflecting on the building occupations at UC Santa Cruz in 2009-2010 and cross-pollination between student and worker struggles, Don Kingsbury highlights the need to excavate and reanimate histories of radical movements. Under the conditions of academic precarity, and against the neoliberal privatization of the general intellect, Don calls for turning communities of necessity into communities of resistance.

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Movements and Institutions against Cognitive Capitalism – An Interview with James Anderson

Campus Labor Coalition Rally at U. of Illinois – Feb. 14, 2012

 Summary — This interview explores such questions as: How can leftist movements be built across social divisions on campuses?  What can we do to break radical theory out of its capture in academia?  Can we create institutions that are embedded in movements and that provide alternatives for radicals who get stuck in precarious academic life?

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Mapping Shared Imaginaries for Anti-capitalist Movements: an Interview with Tim Stallmann of the Counter-Cartographies Collective

Summary:  Tim shares his experiences of militant research with university workers and students, making disOrientation Guides, and the importance of starting from your own position for building solidarity.  Reflecting on the Queen Mary Counter/mapping project and community-based cartography, he discusses the challenges of map-making collectively, as well as the benefits of the process for building a plane of commonality for struggles.  Against the individualizing and recuperative functions of academia, he shares some thoughts on how we can better traverse the tensions our movements face across the boundaries of universities and communities.

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